Blue crab earings!
All U can eat blue crabs!!!
Is this right?
New navigational stuff.
Worlds problems...solved!
Chow Time
Boston, Check out Godspeeds location... sweet!
Dylan "Koolin' It"
Clam Bake tonight!
Coney Island hot dogs anyone? Yea, we had some and they were GOOD!
Central Park
Father, son, central Park, how sweet!!!
Subway! We did this every day for a week to get around. A bit different than we are used to OK considering where we were.
New York "Under Sail" if you will.
Our evening "Clam Bake"
High tide... check next picture.
Low tide! Same exact spot six hours later-12 foot tide.
Ten dollar dinner! not I did not figure in lorrie's more, lot's more!
Lobster Trap buoys everywhere along with lobster boats! No respect for channels
I see the light. Portsmouth Harbor light, New Hampshire
We saw over half of Maine's 68 lighthouses. Owl Head Light, Rockland, ME
Acadia National Park, Mount Desert, Maine
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