Nassau passed into the rear view and we were on a beautiful sail to Allen's cay, our first overnight in the Exumas. We were warned by a couple the night before to not leave too early because their is a field of coral heads that has to be navigated by sight and the sun angle has to be right to see them. Well here comes the coral heads, they were everywhere. Lorrie was on the bow pointing which way to steer as we slipped by, between, but not over them. It was quite hectic but finally we got through and Allen's cay was in sight. We ended up staying about a week in Allens and weathered a big blow here along with eight or so others, four of which were from New Bern NC. All members of The Blackbeard Sailing club, Our Freedom, Non Linear, Delphenis, and Windfall have been allot of fun as we continually find ourselves sharing anchorages. We found several conchs while in Allen's and made conch fritters- yum yum. My valentine had a Cracked conch dinner on V-day along with a big group of cruisers on Norman's Cay. Then we woprked our way to Staniel Cay where we visited the wild pigs, What a hoot, they swam out to the blond as we approached with "No Fear" We fed them some scraps and wished them well. Down the islands we went at will.
Farmers key found us hiding from yet another big blow, we had a pleasant surprise one evening when O'Canada was anchored beside us. These two young men just finished thier bachelors degrees and are sailing the Carib. several times we have shared anchorages with them and this time proved to be a doozy. We Had breakfast on Godspeed with O'Canada and Paragon when I mention to them that while spearfishing earlier, I had found a large grouper hiding in a cave, they eagerly signed up for the hunt. First we speared some smaller reef fish for bait then we went to his cave for a date with the big boy. To our amazement, within minutes we had a hook in him but he ran into his cave and wrapped the line around the rocks and enjoyed his free fish breakfast. We moped off and had lunch, a siesta, and headed for the next spot. A large snapper for four joined us for dinner that night as we made plans for an all out assault on this newly discovered fishery. Armed with some newly speared reef fish we were skunked again. Then suddenly we had two fish on and the 100 lb. leaders were cut almost instantly. Sean said "shark" and that is when I first saw the "Man in the Grey Suit" We were had! so off we moped again. Hey wait a minute, shark taste good! This time we came back with steel leaders, more fish and armed for bear, or sharks maybe. We hooked a big one and he quickly made off with Sean's line. My leader was shortened by a couple of feet the same way. The next hour or so was a blast. We got very selective trying to hook a smaller (less than 5 feet) "Grey Suit". They "Men in Grey" were everywhere now, one even had an orange suit. We were pulling the bait fish right in front of them as they were trashing with fins above the water, trying to steal our bait. Lorrie got some great video and finally Mr. Right was spotted. I put the bait fish in front of him and with a lighting fast grey thrash, FISH ON! 200+ yards of line was headed to sea. I kept the rod as bent as possible without breaking and kept dialing more drag on the reel until I dared tighten it anymore. The equipment was at the breaking point with the reel whizzing, the rod in a "u turn" and the line all but gone! Our prayers were answered and the fish let up, I looked at the line spool and could see the other end of the line, not good! As the fish took a breather I got some line on him, he ran again but not as far. "We will need the gaff, I think we can land him!" Sean & Jamie hopped into the blond and took off to Godspeed, returned in record time, Lorrie did cheer leading, gasping, screaming, and even told me I was going to die!. I worked the now tired "Grey Suit" to the rock bank and they gaffed and dragged the trashing fish into a large hole in the rock and now he became the "MEAL in the Grey Suit"
We ate like pigs and O'Canada left the next day with all they could eat, a fine time was had by all! We spent the next few days island hopping to Georgetown, hiding from a big blow with our good friends aboard the Paragon.
We slipped into Elizabeth Harbor and there was the Blackbeard sailing club, O'Canada, Paragon, Heck everybody was there. The annual regatta is on so we are racing the Paragon tomorrow. We have never been in a sailboat race but I think it is allot like racing turtles, We will let you know!
Shark?? You are eating sharks?? That is like you taking me to hunting camp and I shoot (if I remember my bullets) a porcupine to eat! You are in Exuma, Bahamas! You need to be eating fresh Conch salad every day (save the juice for your Bloody Mary's the next morning) Crawfish while in season, Hog Snapper, Grouper, Dolphin (No, Not Flipper), Tuna, Wahoo, etc. Shark? Shark! Really? Shark?
ReplyDeleteBig Bamboo, I can't belive you are from the Bahamas and never ate a shark. It's no wonder it is so hard to get your knife stuck into an elk. We are eating all the other stuff too, hope to see you in the Abacos.
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear you guys are having such a good time. Sorry we didn't get to see you again. We're heading north now. Stuart, FL, tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteSounds like lots of fun! Bet you're wishing you were back in Star Valley to play in all our fresh snow. Skiing's still great with 6" fresh powder every few days. OK, so the mud melts through in spots but ther's still plenty of snow to get play on right here at the house. Hey, happy 51st if I don't get back to you before then.
ReplyDeleteAm I wrong or does "The Man In The Grey Suit" usually refer to a Great White Shark? There are Great White's in the Caribbean??